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Humboldt University
President / Vice-Presidents
President / Vice-Presidents
Chief of Staff's Office
Governing Bodies' Office
Strategy Development Office
Staff unit Berlin University Alliance and MoA
Berlin University Alliance
Matters of Activity
Communication, Marketing, Event
Communications and Media
Marketing and Fundraising
International Department
Welcome Centre
Humboldt International Campus (HIC)
Global Mobility
International and European science cooperation, profile partnerships and strategic development
Communication and Protocol
Center for Equity
Data Protection Officer
Vice-President for Research
Research Service Centre
Unit for Research Information and Monitoring
Unit - Legal Affairs
Stabstelle Exzellenzcluster
Division Research Funding Administration and Controlling
Division Research Funding
Division Innovation and Transfer
Humboldt Graduate School
Central Unit - University Library
Electronic Data Processing
Library User Management Department
Information Resources
Information Competence Facilitation
Web Editorial Staff
Subject Area Information
Information Management
Section Service
Resources Delivery
Issue Counter
Acquisition and Indexing Department
Periodicals Team
Binding Team
Cataloguing and Indexing
Team A
Team B
Team C
Team D
Editorial Staff
Historic Libraries
Historic Book Inventory Balance
Branch Libraries
Electronic Publishing
Campus North
Foreign Languages Library
German Studies Library
Classical Archaeology Library
Musicology Library
Natural Sciences Library
Law School Library
Zweigbibliothek Asien-und Afrikawissenschaften und Islamische Theologie
Centre for Japanese Studies Library
Theology Library
Central Unit - Computer and Media Service
Document Management System
Communication and service portfolio management
Servicecentre Campuscard - Joint institution of Berlin universities
Applications for teaching, research and administration
Digital Media and Clients
Projects and Organisation
Digital Infrastructure and Operations
Helpdesk and Support
Vice-President for Finance / Personnel and Technical Matters
Internal Revision
Humboldt gemeinsam Programm
Technical Division
Section A - Portfolio Management, Floor Space Management
Portfolio Management, Realty and General Affairs, Central Placing, Renting and Letting, Insurances
Budgetary Planning, Controlling, Accountancy
Requirements Planning, Floor Space Management, Room Trading
Section B - Object Management
Contract Management, Cleaning, Protection and Safety, Dues
Facility Management, Supply and Disposal
Power Management
CAFM - System Design
Section C - Construction Management / Building Projects
Location Development and Building Construction Planning
Special Engineering / Construction Maintenance and Investment- / Special Building Projects
Heating-, Ventilation- , Plumbing Installations
Electrical Installations
Communication Installations
Building Construction / Construction Maintenance and Investment Projects
Building Construction / Special Building Projects
Section F - Technical Service / Concierge
Central Building Control System (Master and Team), Measurement and Control Engineering, Telecommunication Install. and Services
Central Building Control System, Measurement and Control Engineering, Telecommunication Install. and Services
Training Workshop Fine Mechanics
Electrical Installations - Main Building / Campus South / Dahlem
Heating-, Ventilation- , Plumbing Installations - Main Building / Campus South / Adlershof
Electrical Installations - Campus North / Adlershof
Closure Installations / Lift Plants
Heating-, Ventilation- , Plumbing Installations - North / Dahlem
Service Stations
Service Environment - Main Building
Service Environment - Campus South / Berlin City
Service Environment - Campus North / Berlin City / Campus Dahlem
Service Environment - Campus Adlershof
Copying Service
Post Service
Transport- / Moving Services
Guest House
Media Service for Teaching and Events
Referat VD - Arbeits-, Brand- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet VD 1: Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz
Sachgebiet VD 3 - Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet VD 2 - Organisatorischer Brandschutz
Sachgebiet VD 5 - Tierschutz
Sachgebiet VD 4 - Strahlen- und Laserschutz
Section G - Purchase
Purchase, Invitation to bid / Tendering of Services
Purchase Scientific Requirement, Furniture
Purchase IT, Audio-, Video- Equipment / Economic and technical Demand
Planning and Management
Financial Controlling
Academic Reporting
Development Planning and Faculty Recruiting
Finance Division
Section of Personnel Management
Student Assistants
Organization Management
Personnel Management
Staff Service
Personal Office for Civil Servants
Personal Office for Employees
Section of Salaries
Section of Human Resource Development
Job Training
Further Professional Qualification
Special personnel matters
Section of Budget
Payment Section
Cost Accounting / Bookkeeping
Payment Services
Treatment of Financial Demands
ERP process
Legal Department
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Staff Unit Career Center and further Education
Career Center
Further Education
Academic Affairs
Academic Reform
Counselling and Information
Representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses
Counselling Services
Student Services
Admission Office
Enrollment Office
Examination Service Group
Project to introduce a new Campus Management System
Quality Management Unit
Central Unit - Language Centre
Central Unit - Sport and Recreation
Laboratory for innovative Teaching and Learning at Humboldt-Universität
Faculty of Law
Dean / Deputy Dean
Faculty Management
Finance and Personnel
Teaching and Learning (Studies-and Examination Office)
Information and Communication Resources
Deputy Dean
Dean International Affairs
Dean for Teaching and Learning
Civil Law / Intelectual Property Law
Private Law / Civil Law and Commercial Law
Private Law / Civil Law and Corporate Law
Privat Law, Contemporary and Economic Legal History
Civil Law, Commercial Law and Economics
German / European and International Private and Economic Law
Private Law and Competition Law
Civil Law, Right of the Information Society
Private Law, Roman Law and Commercial Law
Public Law / Public Law and Comparative Law
Public Law especially Constitution Law and Legal Philosophy
Public Law / Public Law and European Law
Public Law / Public Law and International Law
Public Law
Public Law especially Administrative Law
Public Law and Gender Studies
Public Law and Gender Studies II
Public Law and Basics of Law
Criminal Law / Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law
Criminal Law / Criminal Procedural Law / European Criminal Law and Modern Law History
Civil Law, Civil Procedure, European and International Private Law, International Civil Procedure and Comparative Law
German and International Criminal Law / Criminal Procedural Law and Juridical Contemporary History
Private law and law of digitalization
Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and International Criminal Law and Modern Legal History
Public Law / Law and Migration
Budgetary power, multi-level system, representation, financing, financial constitutational law, fiscal federalism, democracy
Faculty of Life Sciences
Dean / Deputy Dean
Dean / Secretary
Faculty Management
Finance and Personnel
Teaching and Learning
Academic Affairs
Deputy Dean for studies and teachings
Deputy Dean for International matters
Deputy Dean for research
Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences
Head of Department
Data Station
Common Laboratory for Analytics
Molecular Biological Centre
Plant Cultivation
Soils and Environmental Science
Plant Nutrition
Physiology of Plant Nutrition
Strategies for the Use of Bioresources
Land Use Systems
Landscape Biogeochemistry (S)
Research Station Open Area
Section Biological Systems Technology
Urban Plant Ecophysiology
Intensive Plant Food Systems
Agricultural Technology in Bio-Economic Systems
Research Station Glasshouse
Animal Husbandry and Ethology
Animal Breeding and Molecular Genetics
Biology and Ecology of Fishes
Integrative Fisheries Management
Special Zoology
Research Station Animals
Agricultural and Food Policy
Agricultural Farm Management
International Agricultural Trade and Development
Resource Economics
Economics and Politics of Rural Areas
Food Chain Management
Agricultural Ecology
Gender and Globalisation, particularly with regard to Transformation Processes in Rural Area
Quantitative Agricultural Economics especially Applied Econometrics
Sustainable Land Use and Climate Change
Seminar of Advanced Training in Agricultural and Rural Development
Economic Development and Food Security (S)
CoReGio 100 - Co-creative, resilient urban-surrounding regions
BIOPOLISTA - Bioeconomy policy implementation in bioeconomy states
Economics of Agricultural Landscapes
Department of Biology
Head of Department
Technical Support and Service
Molecular Microbiology
Cellular Biophysics
Biology Education
Experimental Biophysics
Molecular Cell Biology
Molecular Biophysics
Plant Physiology
Experimental Biophysics
Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical Biophysics
Neuronal Plasticity
Behavioral Physiology
Computational Neuroscience
Plant Evolution and Biodiversity
Animal Physiology/Systems Neurobiology and Neural Computation
Molecular Genetics
Structural Biology / Biochemistry
Cognitive Neurobiology
Computational Neurophysiology
Physiology of Plant Organells (J)
Transcriptional Regulation and Genome Architecture
Paleobiology and Evolution
Ecology and Evolution molecularly Parasite-Host-Interactions
Comparative Zoology
Quantitative Biology of the Eukaryotic Cell
Molecular Parasitology II
Cellular and Molecular Biology of Plants
Biodiversity and Public Science
Molecular Developmental Biology and Oncology
Cellular Biochemistry
Systems Biology of Gene Regulation (S)
Development and Evolution
RNA Biology
Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecules
Integrative Biodiversity Discovery
Complexity Research in adaptive systems
Evolutionary Ethology
Decision Circuits
Department of Psychology
Head of Department
Computing Centre
General Psychology
General Psychology - Active Perception and Cognition
Personality Psychology
Psychological Methods
Personality Development
Neuralcognitive Psychology
Occupational Health Psychology
Engineering Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Outpatient Clinic
Social Psychology and Organizational Psychology
Clinical child and adolescent psychology and psychotherapy (J)
Psychological Diagnostics
Developmental and Educational Psychology
Clinical Psychology of Social Interaction
Molecular Psychology
Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging and Memory
Social Intelligence
Distributed Cognition and Memory
What is a name? Computational modeling and experimental studies on the non-arbitrariness of labels
NWG Mind in Action Lab
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dean / Deputy Dean
Faculty Management
Finance and Personnel
Teaching and Learning
Academic Affairs
Deputy Dean for teachings and studies
Deputy Dean for research
Department of Chemistry
Head of Department
Physical Chemistry, Hybrid Elements
Hybrid materials: forming and scaling
Theoretical Chemistry
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Physical Chemistry of Materials)
Physical Chemistry - Spectroscopy
Organic Synthesis of Functional Systems
Organic Chemistry and Functional Materials
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry III
Chemical Biology I
Organic Synthesis
Inorganic and General Chemistry I
Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry and Functional Materials
Inorganic Reaction Mechanism and Spectroscopy
Analytical Chemistry / NMR Spectroscopy
Analytical and environmental Chemistry
Didactics and Training/Learning research Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Chemical Biology
Support and Facilities
Optical Spectroscopy at interfaces
Electrochemical and Thermal Energy Storage
Molecular machines
Department of Geography
Head of Department
Climate System and Water Regime in Global Changes
Landscape Ecology and Biogeography
Climate Geography
Sustainable Resources Management and Global Transformation
Economic Geography
Cultural and Social Geography
Integrative Geography
Geography of Gender in Human-Environment Systems (J)
Applied Geography / Urban and Regional Planning
Aquatic Ecogeography
Applied Economic Geography
Polar Geography with a Focus on Global Change in Arctic Human-Environment Systems
Urban mobility
Earth Observation
Applied GIScience
Didactics of Geography
Traffic Geography
Geographical Information Management and Visualization
Alexander von Humboldt Chair in Sustainability Science
Hydrology and Society
Human geography with a focus on spatial social science infrastrukture research
Organic geochemistry of the Earth's surface system (S)
Nature conservation and sustainable development
Department of Computer Science
Head of Department
Theoretical Computer Science
Algorithms and Complexity II
Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems
Algorithm Engineering
Right of the Information Society
Logic and Complexity
System Architecture
Data Bases and Information Systems
Process management und information systems
Computing and Society and Didactics of Informatics
Adaptive Systems
Machine Learning (J)
Software Engineering
Modelbased Software Development
Computer Engineering
Software Engineering
Knowledge Management in Bioinformatics
Visual Computing
Wireless Broadband Communication Systems
Human-Computer Interaction for Scientific Software
Distributed Computing
High Performance Computing
Department of Mathematics
Head of Department
Algebraic Geometry I
Geometry and Topology
Differential Gemetry and Global Analysis
Algebra / Number Theory
Geometrical Analysis
Analysis II
Algebra and Number Theory
Mathematical Physics of Space, Time and Matter
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Field and String Theory
Applied Analysis
Applied Mathematics with Focus on Optimisation of Complex Systems
Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics
Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Mathematical Statistics
Stochastic Analysis and Stochastic Finance
Applied Mathematical Finance
Applied Stochastic Analysis
Mathematics and Didactics
Didactics of Mathematics
Applied Statistics
Numerical Handling of Differential Equations
Partial Differential Equations
Mathematical Optimization
IT Department
Non smooth optimization
Mathematiical applications of string theory
Department of Physics
Head of Department
Hybrid Materials Lab
Support and Facilities
Theoretical Physics / Statistical Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics
Theoretical Physics / Solid State Theory
Theoretical Physics / Theory of Complex Systems and Neurophysics
Theoretical Particle and Lattice Field Theory
Mathematical Physics: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Field and String Theory
Theoretical Physics / Quantum Field Theory beyond the Standard Model and String Theory
Theoretical Physics / Phenomenology of Elementary Particles beyond the Standard Model
Theoretical Physics / Mathematical Physics of Space, Time and Matter
Theoretical Physics / Mathematical Physics
Theoretical Physics / Theoretical Optics
Theoretical Physics / Theoretical Optics
Theoretical Physics / Development of Theories beyond the Standard Model
Experimental Physics / Elementary Particles Physics I
Experimental Physics / Elementary Particles Physics II
Experimental Physics / Structural Research and Electron Microscopy
Experimental Physics / Elementary Stimulation and Transport in Solids
Experimental Physics / Physics of Macromolecules
Experimentelle Physik, Hybride Bauelemente
Experimental Physics / Experimental Astroparticle Physics - DESY(S)
New Materials
Basics of Optics and Photonics
Didactics of Physics
Experimental Physics / Nanooptics
Experimental Physics / Optical Metrology
Structure, Dynamics and electronic Properties of Molecular Systems
Experimental Physics / Accelerator Physics - HZB
Experimental Physics / Nonlinear Processes in Semiconductor Laser and Optoelectronics
Accelerator Physics - Generation and Characterization of Electron Beams
Experimental Physics / Material Sciences
Modern Optics
Crystal Growth
Nonlinear Dynamics
Coherent Opics by Means of X-Rays and Electron Beams
Optical Systems
X-ray Microscopy
Nanospektroskopie für Design und Optimierung energierelevanter Materialien
Nonlinear Ultrafast Optics
Experimental Particle and Astroparticle Physics
Experimental High Energy Physics
Electronic Properties of Materials/X-ray Analysis
Integrated quantum photonics
Cosmology and String Theory
Theoretical particle physics: gauge fields and string theory
Experimental ultra short time physics
Theoretical Transport Physics
Physics of low-dimensional systems
Faculty of Humanities
Dean / Deputy Dean
Faculty Management
Finance and Personnel
Teaching and Learning
Academic Affairs
Deputy Dean for research
Deputy Dean for international matters
Prodekan(in) für Lehre und Studium
Department of Philosophy
Head of Department
Philosophy in Practice / Ethics
Philosophical Anthropology and Cultural Philosophy
Theoretical Philosophy
Theory of Natural Sciences
Philosophy in Antiquity and in Modernity
Philosophy in Practice and Didactics of Philosophy
Logics / Philosophy of Languages
Philosophy in Practice Specializing in Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy
Classical German Philosophy
History of Science in Antiquity
History of Science in Antiquity (II)
Philosophy in Antiquity and History of Knowledge
Feminist Philosophy
Social Philosophy / Critical Theory
Theoretische Philosophie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Metaohvsik und/oder Erkenntnistheorie
Senior Researcher Philosophy of Spirit
A Sensible World. The Problem of Secondary Qualities in and around the School of Brentano
Philosophy of Spirit
Early Modern Philosophy
Department of History
Head of Department
Ancient History I
Ancient History II
Medieval History
European History of the Early Modern History
History of South Eastern Europe
History of Eastern Europe
History of Western Europe and Transatlantic Relationships
Medieval History and Regional History
History of Science Specializing in History of Education and Organisation of Knowledge in the 19th and 20th Century
Computer Science of History
European History of the 20th Century
Modern and Contemporary History
German History of the 20th Century
Didactics of History
History of Middle Ages, Focus on Early and High Middle Ages
Social and Economic History
European History of the 19th Century
Historic European Studies
Digital History
Contemporary History (with the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam)
Geschichte Europas 19. - 21. Jhd CMB (S)
History of Science
Europäische Geschichte des Spätmittelalters
Ancient History with an emphasis on media and digital humanities
Department of European Ethnology
Head of Department
Folklore Studies Berlin-Brandenburg
Urban Anthropolgy and Human-Environment Relations
European Ethnology with Focus on Urban Anthropolgy
Gender Studies and European Ethnology
European Ethnology IV
Cultural anthropological gender studies
European Ethnology Specializing in Anthropology of Media
European Ethnology / Sociocultural Anthropology
Culture and Lifstyles in Migration Societies
Sozialanthropologie mit Schwerpunkt kulturell. Ausdrucksweisen
Anthropology of post-fossil Societies (S)
Science, Technology, and Planetary Geopolitics (S)
European Ethnology / Social and Cultural Anthropology
Anthropology of Human-Environment Relations
Department of Library and Information Science
Head of Department
Information Retrieval
Information Behavior
Information Processing and Analytics
Information Management
Information Science
Science Studies with a focus on evaluation research
Science Studies, in conjunction with a position as Head of Research Area "Research System and Science Dynamics" at the DZHW, Berlin
Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities
Dean / Deputy Dean
Head of Administration
Faculty Management
Finance and Personnel
Teaching and Learning
Academic Affairs
Deputy Dean for studies and teachings
Deputy Dean for research and international matters
Department of German Literature
Head of Department
Centre for Grimm's Correspondence
Heiner-Müller Archive
Library Wolf
Early German Literature / Literature of the High Middle Ages
Modern German Literature (17th to 19th Century)
Modern German Literature (Literature of the 19th to 21th Century)
Modern German Literature (Literature of the 18th to the Present)
Modern German Literature / Literature and Cultural Studies / Media
Modern German Literature / Theories and Methods of Literary Gender Studies
Modern German Literature, Children's Literature / Children's Media
Modern German Literature (18th to the Present)
Methods in Literary Studies
Modern German and Comparatistic Literature
Didactics of German Literature
Ältere deutsche Literatur / Deutsche Literatur des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
Modern German Literature with a specialization in media and cultural studies
Department of German Studies and Linguistics
Head of Department
General Linguistics
General and Germanistic Linguistics: Semantics and Pragmatics
German linguistics: Language acquisition and language development in multilingual context
Didactics of German Language teaching/German as a Second Language
History of German Language: Language Change
Historical-Comparative Linguistics
Linguistics of German: Psycholinguistics
German Linguistics: Phonetics / Phonology
German Linguistics / Syntax
German Linguistics
Historisch-vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft/Indogermanistik (J)
General Linguistics (S)
Department of Northern European Studies
Head of Department
Scandinavistics / Modern Literatures
Scandinavian Languages and Literatures / Cultural Studies
Scandinavian Studies / Medieval Studies
Scandinavian Studies (Visiting Chair Sponsored by Sweden)
Scandinavian Studies (Visiting Chair Sponsored by Norway)
Scandinavian Linguistics
Department of Romance Literatures and Linguistics
Head of Department
Romance Literatures (Francophone Lituratures)
Romance Literatures (French / Romanian / Italian Literature)
Romance Literatures (Hispanic Literatures)
Romance Languages (French)
Romance Languages (Italian and an Additional Romance Language)
Romance Languages (with a focus on Spanish)
Literature, Religion and Gender Studies in Romance Cultures
Didactics of Romance Languages and Literatures
Department of English and American Studies
Head of Department
English Cultural Sciences and Cultural History
Modern English Literature
Contemporary English Literature
Literature and Culture of North America
Literature and Cultural Studies of North America
English Linguistics
English Language
Didactics of English
American Literature and Culture
Early Modern English Literature and Culture and their Prehistory
Empiricism of the English Language
English and American Literature and Culture (Postcolonial Studies)
Teaching English as a foreign Language/Didactics
English Cultural Studies
Department of Slavic Studies
Head of Department
East Slavic Literatures und Cultures
West Slavic Literatures and Cultures
East Slavic Languages
South Slavic Languages and Cultures
West Slavic Languages
Hungarian Literature and Culture
Didactics of Russian
Department of Classical Philology
Head of Department
Greek Studies
Latin Studies
Didactics of Greek and Latin
Latin Studies
Classical Antiquity Sciences and History of Science
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dean / Deputy Dean
Dean / Secretary
Faculty Management
Finance and Personnel
Learning and Teaching
Academic Affairs
Deputy Dean for studies and teachings
Deputy Dean for research
Deputy Dean for international matters
Department of Archaeology
Head of Department
Archaeology and Cultural History of Northeastern Africa I
Classical Archaeology
Classical Archaeology / Repercussions of Antiquity
Archaeology and Cultural History of Northeastern Africa: Material Culture
Theory and History of Multimodal Communication
Department of Asian and African Studies
Head of Department
African Languages
African History
African Literatures and Cultures
African History II
Mori Ogai Memorial Center
Modern Chinese Languages and Literatures
Transregional Studies of China
Cultures and Societies of South Asia
Transformation Societies in Asia/Africa
Transregional Southeast Asian Studies
Societies and Cultures of South Asia
Central Asian Languages and Cultures
Societies and Cultures of Southeast Asia
Tibetan Studies
Transregional Central Asien Studies
Department of Education Studies
Head of Department
Education Studies
Empirical Research on Learning and Instruction with a Special Focus on Migration-Related Diversity
History of Education
Comparative and International Education
Educational Research Methods
Education Studies
System-related School Research
Elementary School Education Specializing in the Teaching of German
Elementary School Education Specializing in the Teaching of Mathematics
Elementary School Education with Focus on General Studies (Sachunterricht)
Teaching and Didactics in Primary Step
Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology (Learning, Instruction and Evaluation)
Economics Teaching
German Teaching and Didactics in Primary Step
Higher Education Research
Adult and Continuing Education
Conditions and Constellations of Adult Learning
Mathematics Teaching and Didactics in Primary Step
General Elementary School Education
Historical Educational Research
Media Education in Primary, Secondary and Higher Education
Gender and Diversity in Education Science
Historical Educational Research with a Focus on Digital Humanities
Department of Cultural History and Theory
Head of Department
Knowledge and Cultural History
Historic Anthropology and Gender Studies
Cultural History
Cultural Theory and Cultural Aesthetics
Cultural Techniques and History of Knowledge
Cultures of Knowledge
Cultural Theory and Film Studies with a particular Focus on Gender Studies
Industrial Ecology and Climate Change
Transcultural History of Judaism
European Cultural History and History of Knowledge
Design and History of Knowledge
Department of Art and Visual History
Head of Department
Medieval Visual Cultures
Art History of Eastern Europe
Modern Art History
Early Modern Arts History
Art and New Media / Photography
History of Architecture and Urban Development
History and Theory of Form
Department of Musicology and Media Studies
Head of Department
Historical Musicology
Media Theories
Popular Music Studies
Media and Knowledge Technologies
Systematic Musicology
Digital Media and Computation
Transcultural Musicology and Historical Anthropology of Music
Media Practices
Director of Musical Performance
Emmy-Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe 'Sound System Epistemologies: Knowledge engendered through Practice'
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
Head of Department
Psychology of Rehabilitation
Sociology of Rehabilitation and Professional Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Technology and New Media
Sign Language Interpreting
Interpreting Language of Gestures
Pedagogy for Impairments of the Visually
Pedagogy on intellectual disabilities
Pedagogy for impairments of physical and motor develeopment
Learning Disabilities / Special Education
Transition processes in the educational system taking into account impairments and disabilities
Pedagogy for Impairments of Speech and Communication
Pedagogy on psychosocial disabilities
Sign Language Pedagogy and Audio Pedagogy
Department of Social Sciences
Head of Department
German Politics
International Politics
Comparative Political Sciences and Political Systems of Eastern Europe
Political Sociology and Social Policy
Political Theory
Comparative Political Behaviour
Comparative Analysis of Political Systems
Social Theory and Cultural Sociology
Migration and Transnationalism
Empirical Social Science Research
Sociology of Labour and Gender Studies
Urban and Regional Sociology
Macro Sociology
Research Information and Quality Assurance in the Sociological Research
Sociology of Education and Labour Market Research
Social Research Methods, in particular Survey Methods and Survey Statistics
Science Sociology and Evaluation Research
Integration Research and Social Policy
Sociology and Migrations Research
Sociology of Social Policy
Georg Simmel Professorship in Comparative Studies on Diversity and Social Conflicts
Migration and Gender
Sociology of work, economy and technological change
Vergleichende Demokratie- und Autoritarismusforschung
Department of Sports Sciences
Head of Department
Trainings and Movement Sciences
Didactics in p.e. and Research on Teaching
Sport Sociology
Medical Studies in Sports Sciences
Physical Education
Psychology of Sports Sciences
Movement Biomechanics
Sport, Integration and Migration
Mediation Skills in Sport
Centre for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies
Faculty of Theology
Dean / Deputy Dean
Dean / Secretary
Faculty Management
Finance and Personnel
Teaching and Learning
Deputy Dean for studies and teachings
Deputy Dean for research
History of Israel in the Ancient Orient
Literary history and theology of the Old Testament
New Testament Exegesis and Theology and Ancient Christian Apocrypha
New Testament Studies with a Focus on the Literary, Religious and Historical Contexts of Emerging Christianity
Ancient History of Christianity
Early Modem and Modem History of Christianity
Ecclesiastical and Confessional Studies Specializing in Eastern Churches Studies
Systematic Theology Specializing in Dogmatics
Systematic Theology Specializing in Ethics and Hermeneutics
Practical Theology with Emphasis on Homiletics, Liturgical Studies, and Theories of Church Organization
Applied Theology Specializing in Religious Education
Comparative Religion and Intercultural Theology
Jewish-Christian Relations in Past and Present
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Dean / Deputy Dean
Dean / Secretary
Deputy Dean for studies, teachings and international matters
Deputy Dean for research
Faculty Management
Finance and Personnel
Teaching and Learning
Examination Office
Computing Centre
Research and Academic Career
Taxation and Tax Management Studies
Public Economics
Management Studies
Applied Micro Economics
Consumer Behavior
Competition Policy
Accounting and Auditing
Political Economics, particularly Economic History
Computer Science in Economics
Economic Politics
Economic Theory I
Economic Theory II
Migration Economics
Industrial Organization
Corporate Finance
Business Administration
Entrepreneurial and Behavioral Decision Making
Political Economics (Macroeconomics and Financial Markets)
Political Economics (Applied Microeconomics)
AI in Business and Economics
Empirical Economics of Labour Market
Statistik and Data Science
Economic Migration and Integration Research
Organizational Economics - Future of Work
Rationality and Competition
Centre for British Studies
British Literature and Culture
English Law, British Economy and Politics
British History and Society
Hermann von Helmholtz-Centre for Cultural Techniques
Management Office Helmholtz-Centre for Cultural Techniques
Social Anthropology
Tieranatomisches Theater
Humboldt Labor
Sound Archives
Art Collection/Custody
Koordinierungsstelle für wissenschaftliche Universitätssammlungen
Social Anthropology
Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology
Sections / Chairs
Islamic Philosophy and the Foundations of Belief
Islamic Law in the Past and Present
Islamic Religious Education and Practical Theology
Islamic Text Studies (Koran and Hadith)
Islamic Intellectual History
Comporative Theology from an Islamic Perspektive
Institute for Catholic Theology
Sections / Chairs
Biblical Theology
Theological Ethics
Systematical Theology
Historical Theology
Practical Theology
Central Institute Professional School of Education
Design-Based Research
Didactics of German Language teaching/German as a Second Language
Inclusion and Participation in the School Context
Center for the Science of Materials Berlin
University Senate
Strategic Planning Commission
Teaching and Learning Commission
Budget Commission
Location Development Commission
Media Commission
Commission for Equal Opportunities for Women
Commission for the Investigation of Academic Irregularities
Commission barrier-free University
Research and Scientific Careers Commission
Commission family appropriate University
Academic Council
Board of Trustees according to the Constitution of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Board of Trustees according to the Berlin Universities Act
Central Election Board
General Staff Council
Staff Council / Higher Education
Representation of the Severely Disabled
Student Workers' Council
Representation of the Apprentices