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Prof. Dr. Marcela Pozas Guajardo
Appointment area: Tenure Track
phone: (030)2093-70817 Sicherheitsbeauftragte
  Vice President for Academic Affairs    
 Central Institute Professional School of Education    
  Inclusion and Participation in the School Context    
  office: Institutsgebäude, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, 10117 Berlin, room 0211 (2.OG)
postal address maybe differing
phone: (030)2093-70817 Inklusion und Partizipation im Kontext von Schule (J)
  Vice President for Academic Affairs    
 Central Institute Professional School of Education    
  Inclusion and Participation in the School Context    
  office: Institutsgebäude, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, 10117 Berlin, room 0211 (2.OG)
postal address maybe differing
Alina Januscheck
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-12880 Mitglied Lautarchiv im Schloss
  Hermann von Helmholtz-Centre for Cultural Techniques    
  Sound Archives    
  office: address unknown
postal address maybe differing
Léonie Cujé
Appointment area:
phone: (030)030 2093-12893 Mitglied
  Hermann von Helmholtz-Centre for Cultural Techniques    
  Koordinierungsstelle für wissenschaftliche Universitätssammlungen    
  office: Langhans- + Gerlachbau, Tieranat. Theater (Haus 3), Philippstraße 12 (Haus 3), 10115 Berlin, room 1.21
postal address maybe differing
Prof. Dr. Manuela Bojadzijev
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-70879 stellv. Direktorin
  Interdisciplinary Research Centres
 Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research
  Director / Secretary
  office: Institutsgebäude, Mohrenstraße 40/41, 10117 Berlin, room 214
postal address maybe differing
Dr. Catherine Jaeger
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-12364 Koordinatorin Französisch
  Vice President for Academic Affairs    
 Central Unit - Language Centre    
  office: Boeckh-Haus, Dorotheenstraße 65, 10117 Berlin, room 239
postal address maybe differing
Masuma Jawid
Appointment area:
phone: (030)12354 Mediothek
  Vice President for Academic Affairs    
 Central Unit - Language Centre    
  office: address unknown
postal address maybe differing
Uwe Johannes
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-99335
  Vice-President for Research    
 Central Unit - University Library    
  Library User Management Department    
   Information Resources    
    Subject Area Information    
  office: Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm-Zentrum, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 1, 10117 Berlin, room 8.533
postal address maybe differing
Jan-Michael Jähnichen
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-99235
  Vice-President for Research    
 Central Unit - University Library    
  Acquisition and Indexing Department    
   Cataloguing and Indexing    
    Team C    
  office: Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm-Zentrum, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 1, 10117 Berlin, room 9.526
postal address maybe differing
Leandra Jamie
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-99628
  Vice-President for Research    
 Central Unit - University Library    
  Branch Libraries    
   Campus North    
  office: Bibliotheksgebäude, Hessische Straße 1-2, 10115 Berlin, room 0.46
postal address maybe differing
Agnes Bareja
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-12375
  Vice-President for Research    
 Central Unit - University Library    
  Branch Libraries    
   Foreign Languages Library    
  office: Boeckh-Haus, Dorotheenstraße 65, 10117 Berlin, room 1.28
postal address maybe differing
Katharina Jobmann
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-12382
  Vice-President for Research    
 Central Unit - University Library    
  Branch Libraries    
   Foreign Languages Library    
  office: Boeckh-Haus, Dorotheenstraße 65, 10117 Berlin, room 1.31
postal address maybe differing
Agnes Bareja
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-99662
  Vice-President for Research    
 Central Unit - University Library    
  Branch Libraries    
   German Studies Library    
  office: Universitätsgebäude am Hegelplatz, Dorotheenstraße 24, 10117 Berlin, room 1.005
postal address maybe differing
Thomas Jungmann
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-3360
  Vice-President for Research    
 Central Unit - University Library    
  Branch Libraries    
   Law School Library    
  office: Kommode, Bebelplatz 2, 10117 Berlin, room 232c
postal address maybe differing
Christine Jung
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-70011 Verwaltungsleiterin
  Vice-President for Research    
 Central Unit - Computer and Media Service    
  office: Erwin Schrödinger-Zentrum, Rudower Chaussee 26, 12489 Berlin, room 2'307
postal address maybe differing
Stephanie Buçpapaj
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-70177 Praxissemester-Portal
  Vice-President for Research    
 Central Unit - Computer and Media Service    
  Servicecentre Campuscard - Joint institution of Berlin universities    
  office: Verwaltungsgebäude, Ziegelstraße 13b, 10117 Berlin, room 521A
postal address maybe differing
Dr. Denise Jäckel
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-70076 Projektmanagement und ITSM - Digitalisierungsprojekte
  Vice-President for Research    
 Central Unit - Computer and Media Service    
  Projects and Organisation    
  office: Erwin Schrödinger-Zentrum, Rudower Chaussee 26, 12489 Berlin, room 3'304
postal address maybe differing
Jonas Vujcic
Appointment area:
phone: (030)030-2093 20197, 030-2097 20181 Ballsport & -spiele, Rückschlagspiele
  Vice President for Academic Affairs    
 Central Unit - Sport and Recreation    
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 25), Hannoversche Straße 27 (Haus 25), 10115 Berlin, room 3.15
postal address maybe differing
Jens Tiedjen
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-20188, 6755687 stellv. Direktor stellvertretender Leiter Hochschulsport, Wassersportzentrum, Sommer- und Winterexkursionen
  Central Unit - Sport and Recreation
 Sports Managers
  Managers and Assistants
  office: Wassersportzentrum, Alt Schmöckwitz 8, 12527 Berlin
postal address maybe differing
Prof. Dr. Dr. Felix Körner SJ
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-99066 Cusanus-Lehrstuhl Theologie der Religionen
  Institute for Catholic Theology    
  office: Institutsgebäude, Friedrichstraße 60, 10117 Berlin, room 1.18
postal address maybe differing
Matija Vudjan
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093 99097 Systematische Theologie
  Institute for Catholic Theology    
 Systematical Theology    
  office: Institutsgebäude, Friedrichstraße 60, 10117 Berlin, room 1.09
postal address maybe differing
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