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Dr. Dorothee Elm von der Osten
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-91783
  Faculty of Theology
 Scientific Units
  Section of Ecclesiastical History / Chairs
  office: Institutsgebäude, Burgstraße 26, 10178 Berlin, room 520
postal address maybe differing
Prof. i. R. Dr. Gerlinde Strohmaier-Wiederanders
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-91718
  Faculty of Theology
 Scientific Units
  Section of Ecclesiastical History / Chairs
  office: Institutsgebäude, Burgstraße 26, 10178 Berlin, room 429
postal address maybe differing
  program of lectures
Carmen Bluhm
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093 91760 Sekretärin
  Faculty of Theology    
 Ancient History of Christianity    
  office: Institutsgebäude, Burgstraße 26, 10178 Berlin, room 115
postal address maybe differing
Dr. Marc Bergermann
Appointment area:
phone: (030)000
  Faculty of Theology    
 Ancient History of Christianity    
  office: Institutsgebäude, Burgstraße 26, 10178 Berlin, room 320
postal address maybe differing
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Stutz
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093 91780
  Faculty of Theology    
 Ancient History of Christianity    
  office: Institutsgebäude, Burgstraße 26, 10178 Berlin, room 317
postal address maybe differing
Prof. Dr. Judith Becker
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-91812 Prodekanin
  Faculty of Theology    
 Early Modem and Modem History of Christianity    
  office: Institutsgebäude, Burgstraße 26, 10178 Berlin, room 517
postal address maybe differing
PD Dr. Reinhard Flogaus
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-91814
  Faculty of Theology    
 Ecclesiastical and Confessional Studies Specializing in Eastern Churches Studies    
  office: Institutsgebäude, Burgstraße 26, 10178 Berlin, room 513
postal address maybe differing
  program of lectures
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