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Prof. Dr. Andreas Feldtkeller

Appointment area:

Nummer: 2894

phone: (030)2093-91792 Vorsitzender
Faculty of Theology
 Administrative Bodies and Committees
  Doctoral Degrees Committee
postal address: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
office: Institutsgebäude, Burgstraße 26, 10178 Berlin, room 226
phone: (030)2093-91792 Sprecher
Faculty of Theology
 Scientific Units
  Section of Theology, Missionary Science and Ecumenics / Chairs
postal address: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
office: Institutsgebäude, Burgstraße 26, 10178 Berlin, room 226
program of lectures<
phone: (030)2093-91792
fax: (030)2093-5822
Faculty of Theology    
 Comparative Religion and Intercultural Theology    
BZ: P61
postal address: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
office: Institutsgebäude, Burgstraße 26, 10178 Berlin, room 226
Sekretärin: Antje Meier - phone: (030)2093-91790
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